Garden Growth July 2020


I forgot to post the garden pictures for June. I am however, updating for July. I got my garden in the ground by the end of May. This is the first garden at our forever homestead.

The ground here is rocky and clay. A dirt delivery was cost prohibitive at this time so I tried something different. I bought topsoil and sand. I mixed them together and added epsom salt to part of it (for the tomatoes).

I then decided how I wanted it laid out once it was plowed. Once I knew where to put the plants, I added my mixture to those areas. I left the walkways and unused portions rocky and clay.

Next, I got my trellis up for my beans. That was followed by a cattle panel for my squash. I will admit, I have never grown squash on a fence so this is an experiment for me.

Our bean trellis.

Once I got the soil ready and plants in the ground, I staked my tomatoes. I used old tobacco sticks, and used yarn to tie them to the stakes. The beauty of this method is that as they have grown, I simply untie and move further up the stick. I tie them in bows so that’s why I am able to move as it grows.

Our tomato plants are fruiting.

I also used the sticks for my pepper plants. As they got taller, they began leaning over. Ok, I gave them support. They are flowering now and I have several varieties planted, habanero, ancho, green and red bell, banana peppers and poblano. I plan on making cowboy candy for gifts.

Pepper plants flowering after I staked them.

I have a section for herbs as well. I’m growing lavender, peppermint, catnip, sage, lemon balm, dill, spearmint and cilantro.


My potatoes are flowering as well. Lots of pollinators handy to help with all the pollinating that needs done. In the row of potatoes, the red dock is overtaking next to them. I am trying to weed as I can. In the meantime, I’m using our grass clippings to kill weeds and add nutrients to the soil as they decompose. Already my soil is improving so much just from clippings. I’m covering the dock and assorted other undesirables with cardboard then covering that with grass clippings. Our dollar general lets you get boxes so I get some each time I go. Slowly it is getting done (weeding, don’t judge).

Part of my potatoes.
Squash starting up the trellis and surrounded by marigolds for pest control.

I hope this shows how our first garden at our forever home is doing. It is a work in progress but a true labor of love. By next year I hope to have much better soil to plant into. I will keep adding grass clippings and then leaves when fall comes. In the meantime I’m doing what I can with my circumstances now. The lesson is to plant something, anything, to help feed your family. Learn about things. Keep your soul growing. It truly is worth it in the long run.

Bean trellis

Attitude of Gratitude


I am on hiatus from Facebook right now. However, I did do a daily “attitude of gratitude” to try to keep me focused on at least one thing I am thankful for.

I would like to challenge all of my readers to do the same. Each day stop and write down one thing you are thankful for that day. You would be surprised how much it helps your mind and heart each day!

I have done this for a year now and I have to say that while it seems a simple thing to do, there are days when it is a struggle to find much to be thankful for.

I highly recommend you give it a try! It really does work!


A Simple “Thank You” Would Be Enough


As the title implies, many of us do many things for others and yet do not hear these words. In some instances, we do not expect them. In others, it would be nice to know we are appreciated. We could do some small thing or some large thing, but no matter what, those two words can make a big difference!

The same principle applies to other thigns as well. For example, if you ask, pay attention and listen to someone else’s issues, it would be nice to have the same thing done in return. Like it says in the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Sadly, it does not happen though.

Too often these days, people are too self absorbed to deal with anything other than themselves. It really is a shame. Life is found in many of the “thank you’s” in this world. Be reaching out to others and in return giving of yourself, you experience the wonderful feeling of empathy and understanding. If you do not, you find yourself isolated and apart from those around you.

How refreshing, then, to find other people who genuinely listen and care. They show empathy. They listen, really listen, to you and care enough to give advice and loving support in return. They freely give so that others may know it is worth living. These people are support groups, individuals who are sufferring from the same or different diseases than you, but give of themselves freely so you can cope with your issues today. In return, you do the same for them when they need it. You all know who you are! It is a rare commodity indeed today and for those who do this I have two words…”THANK YOU!” These people have made my life easier to deal with, given me hope, shared their experiences with me and shown me I can do this thing called life. Somehow, two words do not seem enough. Thank you all from my heart.